About our Puppet Parties
Launched in 2016, our Puppet Parties have expanded to include 16 seasonal shows designed to suit the interests of every child.
The parties come in four themes which also change with the four seasons.
Our Spring parties run through February, March and April, and include:
Piggy Pirate and the Stormy Straits
Miss Fox and the Naughty Goose
The Tale of Fairy Primrose
The Woodland Witches Welcome Spring
Our Summer parties run through May, June and July, and include:
Piggy Pirate and the Star of the Sea
The Tale of Miss Fox
The Tale of Fairy Rose
The Woodland Witches at Midsummer
Our Autumn parties run through August, September and October, and include:
Piggy Pirate and the Ghost Ship
Miss Fox and the Hungry Mouse
The Tale of Fairy Crabapple
The Woodland Witches' Halloween
Our Winter parties run through November, December and January, and include:
Piggy Pirate and the North Pole
Miss Fox's Christmas
The Tale of Fairy Snowdrop
The Woodland Witches at Wintertide

The Adventures of Piggy Pirate
Swash your buckles and clamber aboard The Annie-Sue!
Rip-roaring tales of the high seas for children aged 5-10, including sea shanties, ocean-themed puppets, and nautical puns galore!
Stories include Piggy Pirate and the Stormy Straits, Piggy Pirate and the Star of the Sea, Piggy Pirate and the Ghost Ship, and Piggy Pirate and the North Pole.

The Tales of Miss Fox
Laugh-out-loud woodland-themed escapades!
Charming stories for children aged 5 and up of two woodland friends who enjoy cakes and quiet, but whose feasts are often interrupted by other contrary creatures...
Stories include The Tale of Miss Fox, Miss Fox and The Naughty Goose, Miss Fox and the Hungry Mouse, and Miss Fox's Christmas.
Fables of the Flower Fairies
Enchanting tales about the magic of nature...
Gentle stories for younger children and fairy-fanatics all about the magic of friendship.
Stories include The Tale of Fairy Primrose, The Tale of Fairy Rose, The Tale of Fairy Crabapple, and The Tale of Fairy Snowdrop.

Wonders of the Woodland Witches
My name is Alexa Young
Spellbinding stories of growth and change!
The wizarding adventures of Miss Willow and Miss Wanda, sisters whose lives are often interruped by (very cute) things that go bump in the night.
Stories include The Woodland Witches Welcome Spring, The Woodland Witches at Midsummer, The Woodland Witches' Halloween, and The Woodland Witches at Wintertide.